Christmas Traditions

I have always loved Christmas 🙂

Christmas Traditions back then ...

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. We would go to my Grandma’s (my dad’s mom) house and she would make her traditional dinner. My Great Grandpa, my Uncle, my Great Uncles, and many Cousins would be there. Before Christmas, my Grandma, my sister and I would make the sugar cut out cookies of trees, stars, bells, etc. I would sit at the kitchen table and watch my Grandma and great grandma cook Christmas dinner. I would say, “Grandma.” and both of them would say, “Which one?” 😀 Since my parents were divorced since I was 5, Christmas would be a busy time as well. I would have to go to my Grandma and Grandpa’s (mom’s parents) house and do Christmas there. Also, we would go to my Grandpa’s (my dad’s dad) house.

Grandma moved to Florida a while ago so we would make the Christmas dinner she used to make when I was little. Although, my sister has moved to Cleveland so we don’t get to do our Christmas dinner as often. But we did do it for a couple of years.

Christmas Traditions now …

Now, we go up to Cleveland to see my sister, her husband, my nephew and my niece, and my brother in law’s family. Dobby (My nephew named him) the Christmas elf visits and keeps an eye on my nephew and reports back to Santa whether or not he has been good or not. But, Dobby is veryyyy sneaky. He is in different places of the house every morning and you have to find him. On Christmas Eve night, he goes back to the North Pole to let Santa know if we have been good or not. After we open presents, We eat Christmas dinner at whoever’s house it is the current year.